
If this is the first time you are hearing this story do not feel deprived or cheated. It was not up until a set of highly bizarre and barely inexplicable events took place that this story was ever known to exist at all. The exception to this lies with those who knew it originally.

What follows is an account long lost both in part to the time in which it took place as well to who it involved. This is not to say stories do not survive over time, more so that not all stories survive over time. In fact, some grow weak and die off. Some perhaps never gain strength in the first place. And some… some are deliberately gleaned from the herd at birth. Now no one cares to be the person who decides whether a story is or is not one to live on, such a single opinion is subjective. However, given the total obscurity of what follows, it would be hard to dispute that it was, at the very least, disregarded.

Time is a peculiar subject in any form that it is dissected, but when referencing an era it can mean many things. Broadly sweeping to generalize a group of events, people will use phrases like “during that time” or “at the time” to help encompass the story and keep it centered in its relevant moments. The problem with using that kind of phrasing is that it leaves other details out. Most are not important. Though on a few occasions, they just might be.

You must understand that in the case of this particular story, the rhetoric serves a purpose. During the time that Northern New York was falling victim to a series of mass beheadings, rumored to be the havoc of a horse-backed phantom, another disturbance was taking place. But when such sensational stories begin to circulate with their details of hell-spawned horsemen, headless dead and a mercenary constable direct from the City, it is easier to see how a similar occurrence impacting far less people but no less dreadful, taking place just south of that hollow, could be… overlooked.

Without further winded explanation, the following story is the Overlooked Haunting of Terrytowne.

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